

Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.

Once Helm has been set up correctly, add the repo as follows:

helm repo add fleetboard https://fleetboard-io.github.io/fleetboard-charts

If you had already added this repo earlier, run helm repo update to retrieve the latest versions of the packages. You can then run helm search repo fleetboard to see the charts.

Install/Uninstall FleetBoard on Hub Cluster

The Hub Cluster is responsible for managing child clusters and establishing cross-cluster communication. The hub handles service synchronization and VPN tunnel management.

To install the fleetboard chart on the hub:

helm install fleetboard fleetboard/fleetboard --namespace fleetboard-system --create-namespace \
--set tunnel.endpoint=<Hub Public IP> --set tunnel.cidr=

To uninstall the chart:

helm delete fleetboard -n fleetboard-system

Install/Uninstall FleetBoard on Child Cluster

To set up FleetBoard on a Child Cluster for cross-cluster communication, install the fleetboard-agent chart:

helm install fleetboard-agent fleetboard/fleetboard-agent --namespace fleetboard-system --create-namespace \
--set hub.hubURL=https://<Hub Public IP>:6443 --set cluster.clusterID=<Cluster Alias Name>

To uninstall the chart:

helm delete fleetboard-agent -n fleetboard-system

Additional Setup Steps for FleetBoard

  1. Secrets Setup for Authentication:
    • Bootstrap Token: The child cluster needs to use a valid bootstrap token to establish its first connection to the hub. You will need to create a Kubernetes secret that includes the token ID and token secret from the bootstrap token:

      kubectl create secret generic fleetboard \
        --from-literal=token-id=<Token ID> \
        --from-literal=token-secret=<Token Secret> \
        -n fleetboard-system
    • Ensure the secret is annotated correctly for usage in FleetBoard. Here’s an example of annotations:

      kubectl annotate secret fleetboard \
        auth-extra-groups=system:bootstrappers:fleetboard:register-token \
        usage-bootstrap-authentication=true \
        usage-bootstrap-signing=true \
        -n fleetboard-system
    • This secret will be referenced by the cnf pod on the child cluster to establish a secure connection with the hub cluster.

  2. DNS Configuration for Cross-Cluster Service Discovery:
    • For DNS forwarding, you need to configure the child cluster’s CoreDNS to forward DNS queries related to cross-cluster services to the crossdns service running on the child cluster. Add the following block to your CoreDNS configuration on the child cluster:

      hyperos.local:53 {
          forward . <CrossDNS IP>
    • Important: Do not add this DNS forwarding block to the parent cluster. It should only be configured in child clusters.

  3. Networking Setup:
    • FleetBoard uses WireGuard tunnels for secure, encrypted communication between clusters. Ensure that network policies and firewall rules between the clusters allow traffic on the WireGuard port (31820 by default) and that the child clusters can reach the hub’s public IP.
  4. Troubleshooting Tips:
    • Missing Secret: If you encounter errors related to missing secrets (e.g., get hub kubeconfig failed), ensure that the secret containing the hub connection information (kubeconfig or bootstrap token) is correctly created in the fleetboard-system namespace.
    • Logs: Check the logs of the cnf and controller containers for errors related to network tunnels, DNS, or authentication:

      kubectl logs <pod-name> -n fleetboard-system -c cnf
      kubectl logs <pod-name> -n fleetboard-system -c controller

Key Components and Flags